Petition for responsible maintenance of the feral cat colonies of Barker Street, Paris, Ontario.

Grand River Animal Rescue in conjunction with local residents and other support networks has been responsibly maintaining two feral cat colonies on Barker Street by neutering and spaying the wild cats, providing food, and finding homes for the kittens who can be domesticated.  All of these measures have reduced the colonies to 11 cats each and have involved a lot of time, energy, money, and love on the part of all involved.
The new superintendents of these buildings intend to have animal control remove the cats, if they can catch them.  These feral cats will inevitably be killed by animal control.
We are seeking support in asking the superintendents to allow us to continue maintaining these cat colonies in a humane manner.  We believe that this is the most responsible method of dealing with the colonies.  Removal of these cats is unlikely to be fully successful and a new colony could easily develop again, which would require that GRAB and its associates either start from scratch to maintain the colonies, or that these cats too will be killed.

For more information regarding the responsible maintenance of feral cat colonies, please read this article
We the undersigned ask that you allow Grand River All-Breed Animal Rescue to continue their humane and responsible maintenance of the two feral cat colonies on Baker Street.
We believe that not only is this the most humane option, but it is also the most effective option.  Removing (and killing) the existing colony cats will enable other colonies which have not been spayed and neutered to develop in their absence.

Thank you for listening to our request and considering this more humane method of dealing with the feral cats around your building. 
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