Stop Chick Grinding in the U.S.!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture

The egg industry shreds or suffocates millions of live baby chicks a year just for being born male. Male chicks can't grow into egg-laying hens, and are considered unusable for meat, so they are simply disposed of through cruel measures such as chick grinding. Farms that raise cage-free and caged chickens alike use this inhumane system.

Recently, Germany developed new technology to determine the sex of fertilized eggs before they develop into chicks. Now, they have banned the practice of grinding male chicks alive. Instead, they remove the male eggs and leave only the female ones to grow into chicks and hatch.

Now that technology exists to determine the sex of fertilized eggs, there is no reason to continue killing live chicks in the United States. We can save millions of baby chicks from this cruel death. 

Please sign the petition to urge the U.S. Department of Agriculture to follow in Germany's footsteps and ban chick grinding!

Dear Secretary Vilsack,

As you know, the egg industry shreds or suffocates millions of live baby chicks a year just for being born male. Male chicks can't grow into egg-laying hens, and are considered unusable for meat, so they are simply disposed of through cruel measures such as chick grinding. Farms that raise cage-free and caged chickens alike use this inhumane system.

Recently, Germany developed new technology to determine the sex of fertilized eggs before they grow into chicks. Now, they have banned the practice of grinding male chicks alive. Instead, they remove the male eggs and leave only the female ones to grow into chicks and hatch.

Now that technology exists to determine the sex of fertilized eggs, there is no reason to continue killing live chicks in the United States. We respectfully urge you to follow in Germany's footsteps and ban chick grinding.

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