Section 347.03 Dogs May Be Killed
CHANGE: Remove 'worrying' from this law.
This petition is to change the Minnesota law to continue to protect farmers and their livestock, yet protect dogs that may be crossing a property that has livestock/poultry and is not harming or threatening these other animals. It is our fight is to remove the words 'worrying livestock' from Section 347.03 Dogs May Be Killed. Please see details on this statue below.
Dogs are legally being killed in Minnesota if they are passing through a property that has poultry/livestock, even if the poultry, especially, are in a safe housing or fenced area and even if the dog doesn't show any interest in the other animals. It is our fight to make sure that dogs are not being killed for simply trespassing on property. Farmers and owners should still be allowed to protect their livestock if the dog is trying to harm their livestock/poultry, but with some limitations to ensure the safety of ALL animals.
347.03 DOGS MAY BE KILLED. Any owner or caretaker may kill any dog found chasing, injuring, or worrying sheep or other livestock or poultry owned by or in care of such owner or caretaker, on lands or premises owned or controlled by the owner or caretaker, and any owner or caretaker of sheep may kill any dog found on the owner's or caretaker's premises where sheep are kept, not under human restraint or control. - See more at:
Lola, a three year old female lab that was shot with a .22 on September 14th, 2013, in Belle Plaine, for going into the neighbors yard. These neighbors were friends, along with their children and the dogs (from both families) played together and had always been welcomed on their property. Then, the mother who works with special needs children, did the unthinkable and shot Lola, even though her chickens were locked securely in an 8 foot high, 1 foot deep pen, which is meant to keep the coyotes out. Lola ran off and hid beneath their front porch. It took two days for the neighbor to inform the family that she had shot their dog. Immediately, Kristin Ott , Lola's owner rushed her to the hospital, then ultimately died 3 days later after being punctured in the liver and lung by the lead shot. This loss has devastated the family, outraged animal lovers, and imprinted a horrible memory for the four children who loved this dog. It shouldn't be okay for a law to state that 'worrying' poultry is a problem, yet killing a dog (and letting it suffer) and then devastating an entire family is lawful.
Section 347.03 Dogs May Be Killed
CHANGE: Remove 'worrying' from this law.
This petition is to change the Minnesota law to continue to protect farmers and their livestock, yet protect dogs that may be crossing a property that has livestock/poultry and is not harming or threatening these other animals. It is our fight is to remove the words 'worrying livestock' from Section 347.03 Dogs May Be Killed. Please see details on this statue below.
Dogs are legally being killed in Minnesota if they are passing through a property that has poultry/livestock, even if the poultry, especially, are in a safe housing or fenced area and even if the dog doesn't show any interest in the other animals. It is our fight to make sure that dogs are not being killed for simply trespassing on property. Farmers and owners should still be allowed to protect their livestock if the dog is trying to harm their livestock/poultry, but with some limitations to ensure the safety of ALL animals.
347.03 DOGS MAY BE KILLED. Any owner or caretaker may kill any dog found chasing, injuring, or worrying sheep or other livestock or poultry owned by or in care of such owner or caretaker, on lands or premises owned or controlled by the owner or caretaker, and any owner or caretaker of sheep may kill any dog found on the owner's or caretaker's premises where sheep are kept, not under human restraint or control. - See more at:
Lola, a three year old female lab that was shot with a .22 on September 14th, 2013, in Belle Plaine, for going into the neighbors yard. These neighbors were friends, along with their children and the dogs (from both families) played together and had always been welcomed on their property. Then, Bridget Stewart, did the unthinkable and shot Lola, even though her chickens were locked securely in an 8 foot high, 1 foot deep pen, which is meant to keep the coyotes out. Lola ran off and hid beneath their front porch. It took two days for Bridget Stewart to inform the family that she had shot their dog. Immediately, Kristin Ott , Lola's owner rushed her to the hospital, then ultimately died 3 days later after being punctured in the liver and lung by the lead shot. This loss has devastated the family, outraged animal lovers, and imprinted a horrible memory for the four children who loved this dog. It shouldn't be okay for a law to state that 'worrying' poultry is a problem, yet killing a dog (and letting it suffer) and then devastating an entire family is lawful.
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