As of now, animals injured by a veterinarian (in surgery, etc.) are not allowed to receive punitive damages for their suffering. They are considered personal property, not a member of your family. IN MOST CASES, they are the MOST important member of a family. We suffered greatly because of an error caused by our veterinarian...twice! In certain situations, punitive damages should be available for such suffering. The animal may have been damaged for life.  I MUST ADD . . . I have great respect for veterinarians and their years of study and dedication.  But they should still be held responsible for serious errors that do damage to your pet. 

MY FELLOW ANIMAL LOVERS - One of my dear pets died at the hands of veterinarian (and their assistant). Five years I could not even think of buying another.  Now my 4 year old Maltipoo was made sick by a gauze left inside her during a surgery. She almost died and now is scared from emergency surgery and we suffered weeks of agony praying she would live.  This pain is as bad as any a family can suffer.  Her future is questionable and she will never be the same.  The vet should be responsible for any future illness that may occur from this damage, but, as of now, they are not. Punitive damages should be available for such errors;  twice the medical bills should be awarded for the current suffering and future suffering.  PETS SHOULD NOT BE CONDIDERED PERSONAL PROPERTY - THEY ARE VITAL, LOVED FAMILY MEMBERS.

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