Preserve the Newest National Monuments - Don't Abolish Them!

  • av: Freya Harris
  • mottagare: US Congress and President-elect Donald Trump

U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop, a fierce anti-public lands Republican in Utah, is urging President-elect Donald Trump to abolish national monuments created by both Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. More than 270 million acres of American land and waters are potentially at risk—an area two and a half times the size of California.

The action would be unprecedented. No president in history has undone the creation of a national monument by a predecessor.

Among the lands that could lose protection are the magnificent Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, the recently-designated Kathadin Woods & Waters National Monument in Maine (a gift of private land), and national monuments in the Sonoran Desert, Organ Mountains of New Mexico and San Gabriel Mountains of California.

We cannot allow these and other national monuments to be abolished just so land-ravaging developers can move in and exploit what resources they have. We need to preserve precious wilderness, as well as put more emphasis on renewable energy.

We the undersigned ask that you ignore Representative Rob Bishop (R-UT) and his plan to get rid of all national monuments created by Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Bishop's plan puts at risk a total area two and a half times the size of California. We cannot afford to lose any more wild land. Protect our national monuments.

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