A Zoo in Oklahoma City is Using Virtual Reality In Place of Gorilla Captivity

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service

Every year, thousands of animals needlessly suffer in captivity for the sake of our entertainment. Thanks to new technology, there could be a way to reduce the number of captive animals. The Oklahoma City Zoo has partnered with a company that creates VR experiences of wild and aquatic life. This could be a game-changer in reducing the torturous enclosures that so many zoo animals are forced to endure. 

Sign now to tell the USDA APHIS to incentivize this use of amazing technology by funding zoos that use it!

With VR, the public can view and learn about animals without interfering with them or causing them unnecessary stress. This is an amazing way to promote awareness about extinction, poaching, and habitat destruction without making individual animals suffer unnecessarily.

Research has repeatedly shown that animals unnecessarily trapped in zoos suffer physically and mentally. They often engage in unusually violent behaviors, and sometimes even harm themselves out of boredom or desperation. These behaviors shouldn't surprise anyone – imagine being taken from your natural habitat and locked in a cage to be pointed at all day.

Sign the petition to tell the USDA APHIS to incentivize this use of amazing technology by funding zoos that use it!

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