Let Zante Strays send their dogs home!

    Zante Strays is a volunteer-run charity on the island of Zakynthos, Greece. They have no funding from government sources and rely purely on donations from the wonderful online community that surrounds it.

    They rehome around 400 strays every year across Europe - rescuing them from the streets where they have been dumped and left to die and give them the opportunity no one else would - life.

    They currently have 250 dogs in their care and 70 of these already have loving homes to go to.

    They are now unable to obtain the correct paperwork to allow the dogs to travel, which is heartbreaking for the dogs, shelter and the families waiting.

    Because they can’t move any of the dogs out of the shelter, they are unable to take in any more strays. This is devastating and will result in thousands of helpless dogs dying on the streets.

    The Municipality are responsible for strays on the island and we must get them to act to allow Zante Strays to continue saving lives.

    Please help us make as much noise as we can!!
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