We Need Universal Basic Income NOW!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Government of the United States
Widespread sickness and loss of life have gripped the globe as the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, continues to spread. Containment, treatment, and vaccine timelines are all uncertain, but in the United States, the time for necessary financial assistance for all citizens has come.

Please sign the petition demanding that our lawmakers pass universal income legislation immediately!

It is no secret that the economy has taken a massive hit from the current pandemic threat. In early March, the U.S. stock market suffered its largest single-day crash since 1987 amidst the fear, confusion, and panic brought on by COVID-19. But on March 17th, the White House announced intent to create economic stimulus by providing money to individual United States citizens, focusing on those who are lower-income, vulnerable, and disproportionately affected by the global pandemic. The U.S. market stabilized following this announcement.

A minimum income guaranteed by the government is referred to as a universal basic income. The sum is meant to cover the basic cost of living, provide financial stability, and therefore create an economic environment of freedom and prosperity. In a time of crisis, such as that which we find ourselves in now, a universal basic income is a cushion on which people and families can fall. We cannot afford to go through one more day of this pandemic without this essential economic stimulus.

Although it is unclear what the number will become, recent polls show that 1 in 5 households in the United States have lost jobs, or had hours reduced, due to the coronavirus outbreak. Folks who retain their jobs, but have no paid sick leave, have zero options if they fall ill with coronavirus. Social distancing precautions have meant that most non-essential businesses will shut down for an undetermined amount of time, leaving employees temporarily incomeless. Schools are shutting down in large waves, and the parents and guardians of these children must now find ways to provide or pay for childcare.

The list goes on and on. But for all of these issues, there is a single solution. Many politicians have already begun advocating for a universal basic income. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has proposed a resolution providing $1,000 monthly to every American until the end of the crisis. Senator Mitt Romney has suggested a similar plan. Representatives Ro Khanna and Tim Ryan have also recognized the need for individual economic assistance, proposing crediting between $1,000 and $6,000 once to U.S. citizens who made less than $65,000, but this resolution doesn't account for how long this pandemic may last.

No matter what, we need legislation, on a federal level, that guarantees all United States citizens receive a universal basic income for the duration of this pandemic. Sign the petition and demand that our lawmakers come to an agreement, and make universal basic income a reality right now.
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