What is cute and entertaining about sticking a rope up a bear's nose and making it hop around on a stick? This is an absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking display of animal abuse, and it must be stopped immediately!
Video of bear dancing (WARNING: Graphic): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfBjzX5ZTJE
Demand that the government of India ban bear dancing and establish better animal protection laws!
From WSPA:
Each young bear will suffer the piercing of their nose or palate. A rope is passed through the raw wound. Tugging on it remains an effective means of control throughout the bear�s life.
Years of conditioning allows owners to make adult bears �dance� on command.
Illegal and inhumane, yet the dancing continues
The Kalandars � India�s traditional dancing bear owners � use the bear shows to support large family groups. The profession is historically passed from father to son, so other opportunities are not often considered.
Public campaigning against the practice has significantly reduced the number of dancing bears on India�s main tourist trails. But the semi-nomadic Kalandars have taken their shows to more receptive areas.
The capture and keeping of bears is prohibited, yet dancing bear shows find rural audiences. People in these areas, where animal welfare education is rare, are unlikely to report dancing bears to the authorities.
Forestry officials may be prevented from enforcing animal protection laws due to a lack of facilities to house confiscated animals.