Tell President Biden to immediately open an investigation into Iran’s crimes against women

The women of Iran have taken to the streets and are burning their hijabs in protest of the murder of Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish woman who was arrested by the notorious Iranian "morality police" and died after being viciously beaten for not wearing her hijab. 

While both Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi and Iran's chief justice, Mohseni Ejei, have promised a full investigation into her alleged murder, they obviously cannot be trusted to do so, given the heavy influence that the hardline conservatives on the ruling Guardian Council will doubtlessly exert over the proceedings. 

Add your name to tell President Biden to open a REAL investigation into Iran's crimes against women!

The United Nations has called for an independent investigation in Amini's death. "Mahsa Amini's tragic death and allegations of torture and ill-treatment must be promptly, impartially and effectively investigated by an independent competent authority, that ensures, in particular, that her family has access to justice and truth," declared acting U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif in a statement.

Iran's strict morality code and its enforcers are a product of deeply institutionalized misogyny that no woman should ever have to live under. We must ensure that justice is served in the tragic death of Mahsa Amini and support the women of Iran as they fight for their right to self-expression.

Sign here to tell Biden to open a REAL investigation into Iran's crimes against women!

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