Daughter's Husband Abandons her two cats in San Antonio

    My daughter's husband took her two cats and abandoned them in two different locations in San Antonio, TX. The black and white 5 year old female non chipped cat (Oreo) was abandoned behind Bushes chicken on Bitters Rd and the black 2 year old male cat that is micro chipped at Phil Hardberger park behind CVS on wurzbach Pkwy and Blanco Rd. We have videos of her husband carrying them out one by one to his car out of their apartment and text messages from him stating that he was going to get rid of them. We called police and Animal Control but they deemed that wasn't proof enough. My daughter is emotionally distraught as they were her emotional support furbabies.
    I'm am seeking to gain enough signatures to change the laws on animal abandonment and raise awareness. Living sentient beings should not be considered property and allowed to be so easily dismissed when abandoned. They were raised indoors and did not deserve to be thrown away like trash. They are now out there scared, alone, and struggling to survive. Please help us find them and make sure this never happens to anyone else's beloved furbabies, not allow this person to go unpunished.
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