Demand the resignation of the Huntsville School Board

For residents of the Madison County,

Your signature on this petition will help to force the resignation of the
entire Huntsville School District Board that has failed in their duty to protect students from sexual abuse and rape, which has been going on for years. Their failure to protect the students continues even after the problem was formally brought to their attention and an investigation ensued. 

Your signature will help ensure that these board members who have been derelict in their duties are replaced with persons who cannot be bought, who have no family ties with anyone involved and have the integrity and bravery to do their job wisely and effectively. 

To stay in touch with our progress, and to get help for victims and their families, visit or contact Patricia Mikkelson at

Uppdatera #52 år sedan
We are getting serious about organizing a petition drive which will be hard copy, with people's addresses which can establish that they are residents in the school district. If you want to pick up petitions to get signed at places like First Friday Block Party, email me at or stop by my booth at the Farmers Market in Huntsville, Tuesdays 7AM-12

We are planning a gathering this coming Tuesday, 7-8 at the Pavillion near the playground at Mitchusson Park. Bring kids
Uppdatera #43 år sedan
We have found an excellent lawyer to help the victims and their families. Please spread the word. You can find the information here:

We have almost 300 signatures. The leadership team is in the process of deciding whether or not to keep the petition going because there have been some positive changes made since people "packed the school board meeting".
Uppdatera #33 år sedan
Thanks to all who signed this. Please share it. We are serious about getting them to resign, and much more information is coming to light that proves the fact that these board members have been irresponsible in their actions.

We started a blog, Please check it out. If you want to be on our mailing list, send an email to We will be having weekly Community:Connect! gatherings to help Madison County residents thrive!
Uppdatera #23 år sedan
We are having another opportunity to get signatures on the petition at the strategic planning meeting tomorrow. I hope you can come! 6-7:30 at the Ozark Adventure and Recreation offices.

At 7:30 there will be a press conference where we can update.
Uppdatera #13 år sedan
53 signatures within about 4 hours. Keep them coming! Thank you everyone.
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