Demand for Bear going Crazy in tiny cage be set free to a Sanctuary!

In Bali (near Ubud) the Bali Elephant Camp provides elephant rides, feeding, photos with animals etc. When I went there with my partner I was digusted and extremely saddened to see they have a black bear in a tiny tiny cage way to small for it.
The cage is concrete and the bear was walking in continuous circles around the cage (from memory the cage looked approx 3mx3m) it looked like it had gone absolutely CRAZY & it is also forced to take photos with people so it has obviously been drugged or abused into submission. We were under the impression that this was a sanctuary style operation but were surprised to see the elephants on chains, being hit with sticks to pose for photos and all the elephants looked shabby and sad, but especially this poor bear.
This petition is to have the bear freed to a sanctuary where it will have appropriate & more natural living space or for the Bali Elephant Camp to build him a new enclosure.. It RUINED the experience seeing this poor bear going out of its mind in this tiny cage all by itself, it deserves more space and a bear appropriate lifestyle!

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