New Rodrick is Not My Rodrick

  • av: Marcy T
  • mottagare: David Bowers

In the trailer, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Long Haul, the whole cast was changed. It was acceptable, it was understandable. Except ONE thing, Rodrick. Rodrick is Greg's brother in the series, he is a grungy, grimy emo teenager who has a band by the name Loded Diper. He is played by Devon Bostick. In the past movies, he looked like what everybody thought he would look like. In Long Haul, he is replaced by Charlie Wright, who does not capture the spirit of Rodrick at all. He has a stringy, greasy bob cut , lanky arms and legs. and looks disgusting in general. I don't know why David chose this man to act as Rodrick. No one is happy with this, and it will change. Sign this petition and we, the fans of a series we grew up and loved, will perhaps change this whole movie around. #NotMyRodrick

Uppdatera #27 år sedan
Over a THOUSAND supporters! That's great! I am amazed by how many people are also passionate and outraged by this. However, we need 8,826 more. Share this petition as much as you can, nobody likes Charlie Wright (p.s, he doesn't even wear eyeliner like old Rodrick.)
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
This is great, over a hundred supports! As impressive as that is, it's still not enough, we need about 49,857 more people to sign. So please, when you sign, remember to share it around with your friends! It's the only way to save your childhood.
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