Make mandatory public registry for animal abusers in India - Sukanya Berwal with Suman Kadyan

Animal Welfare Fortnight Celebrations of Scouts and Guides for Animals and Birds with OIPA: Indian People for Animals:
Animal Welfare Board of India - AWBI to Prepare Nation's first public database tracking animal cruelty offenders in the interest of animals along with alumni association of former trainees of the AWBI along with the National Institute of Animal Welfare with CPCSEA, restoring the five freedoms of animals and birds, because without this database, all concerned enforcement agencies are failed to prove second offense against animals, whereas animals are being shifted in the goods transport vehicles without approval of Bureau of Indian Standards.
OIPA: Indian People for Animals with Scouts & Guides for Animals & Birds will appreciate if a website be launched for online registration crime against animals, updates as well till final judgements, besides it promote activities of alumni association, in the interest of animals at large.

Nominate International renowned animal rights activist Naresh Kadyan, as Chairman - Vice Chairman of AWBI against vacant post, under section 5 (1)(g) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.

Naresh Kadyan, Jat by birth - Cobbler by profession - Activist by mission - Humanitarian by choice.

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