End Animal Abuse on Instagram NOW!

Instagram claims to provide "a safe & welcoming community for everyone" yet they have no problem with users displaying graphic violence towards innocent, defenseless animals. When you report this as "violence & harm", they respond by letting you know that because the violence is being inflicted on innocent defenseless animals instead of humans, it doesn't violate their "community guidelines & standards".

Instagram, we stand in solidarity with animals & demand you stop condoning their abuse. We demand you update the user agreement and community guidelines & standards, making it clear to IG users that animal abuse in any form is a felony in all 50 states & a serious violation of instagram community standards because it makes said community UNsafe & UNwelcoming for animals and the human beings who love & respect them. We demand that you give IG users a clear & specific option to report animal abuse when we see it. We demand that IG immediately remove all animal abuse posts brought to your attention & cooperate with local law enforcement to ensure those responsible for abusing animals are brought to justice & prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law.

Please share with everyone you know after you sign.

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