The City of Alexandria LA

    The city of Alexandria Utility department is robbing the city of Alexandria Louisiana. No way a family is supposed to pay $400/ month for utilities. This is highway robbery. The company recently released an article about having a lack of meter reader, which caused the city's residents to fork over even more money. The city of Alexandria Utility department has no competition and in turn can bill any customer as much as they please. I need everyone in the city of Alexandria LA to sign this and demand for change. In no part of this country has anyone I know pay over $200 dollars a month for a three bedroom home (average household size) in any major city. But the City Of Alexandria Louisiana Utilities bill with the same household size pays over $450.00 or more. The city must be held accountable and this must change fast. Please sign this petition. Demand for a change and let's provide competition for the city of Alexandria LA utilities so these bill can be put in a reasonable amount,or at least let's provide a better choice. The city of Alexandria is getting away with highway robbery.
    And has been getting away with it for years.
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