Protect the stray dogs of Moldova !

The government 'solve' their stray dogs by encouraging citizens to poison, beat, shoot and set alight their dogs !
Those that are 'rounded' up by the government workers are put into a hell hole called Necropolis. Here they are killed INHUMANELY !!!! Some of them are skinned for their fur. They are then thrown into pits, some still alive !
Please sign and help these poor dogs ! Please be their voice !
This petition is for the Mayor of Chisinau. This is our message ........
We want you to advocate a controlled Spay - Neuture - Release programme for the stray dogs of Moldova. STOP THE CRUELTY !!!!

Please visit us on Facebook : Areal Moldavian stray dogs rescue


Together We Are Strong - We are the voices for these beautiful stray dogs of Moldova !

On their behalf - THANK YOU

Uppdatera #310 år sedan
1st March 2015 We have still awaiting reply from the Ambassador based in London. We want to arrange an audience with him to hand over our petition and voice our concerns about the mass cruelty in Moldova !!!!! We will not go away !!!!! We want answers !!! On behalf of all the stray dogs in Moldova Thank you for signing !!! Please keep it going - we will not give up !!!!!!
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
We have written to the Ambassador of Moldova in London to request an audience to present all of our digital signatures. Please keep signing and sharing ! The more support from you, the better they will listen xxxx thank you :-)
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Over 2,000 signatures ! Thank you so much !
Our voice is getting stronger !!
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