Tell Lipton Tea to Stop Animal Experiments

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Unilever Group Chief Executive Patrick Cescau, Vice President Michael Polk

Lyons and Lipton teas tests their products on animals, which often die as a result, to make health claims on its products.

Rabbits are fed a high-fat diet to increase their cholesterol levels and harden their arteries. Then, they were fed tea in their water.

Little piglets were exposed to E-coli toxins to cause diarrhea. Then, the researchers cut the pigs intestines apart while the animals were still alive, to see the effects on the animal. The piglets were then killed.

"Mutant Mice bred to suffer bowel inflammation were administered tea ingredients in order to see if there were any effects on their condition. After the test, the mice were killed by neck-breaking or suffocation", a press release issued by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) revealed this week.

Numerous reports in recent years have called into question the tea company's use of animals and animal products in their teas, including possible blood being employed as a dye.

Tell Lipton Tea to stop using animals as research. Experimenting on animals is not only cruel but also unnecessary. There are cheaper, quicker and more accurate methods available.

Lipton Tea Company
Corporate Headquarters
Unilever Group Chief Executive Patrick Cescau
7 Place Du Chancelier Adenauer
Paris, Ile-de-France 75772
Phone: 33 1 53 43 74 37
Fax: 33 1 53 30 36 47
Website on Facebook:

Vice President Michael Polk
800 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
Telephone: (201) 567-8000
Fax: (201) 894-7860

Lyons and Lipton teas tests their products on animals, which often die as a result, to make health claims on its products.

Rabbits are fed a high-fat diet to increase their cholesterol levels and harden their arteries. Then, they were fed tea in their water.

Little piglets were exposed to E-coli toxins to cause diarrhea. Then, the researchers cut the pigs intestines apart while the animals were still alive, to see the effects on the animal. The piglets were then killed.

"Mutant Mice bred to suffer bowel inflammation were administered tea ingredients in order to see if there were any effects on their condition. After the test, the mice were killed by neck-breaking or suffocation", a press release issued by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) revealed this week.

Numerous reports in recent years have called into question the tea company's use of animals and animal products in their teas, including possible blood being employed as a dye.

Tell Lipton Tea to stop using animals as research. Experimenting on animals is not only cruel but also unnecessary. There are cheaper, quicker and more accurate methods available.

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