Demand Missouri restore gender-affirming care for trans kids & adults!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Missouri legislature

The Republican attorney general of Missouri has just escalated the GOP's terrifying war against trans people by abusing a consumer protection law that's usually used to fight bad business practices, the Merchandising Practices Act. 
AG Andrew Bailey said he would put up "substantial guardrails" to accessing gender-affirming healthcare because the practices are "experimental" — a clear excuse to deny adults the right to make decisions about their own bodies based on bullshit junk science and baseless conspiracies.

Demand the Missouri legislature protect trans rights!

LGBT+ advocacy group PROMO nailed the truth about the situation: "It should be clear to anyone paying attention that the real threat to Missourians is the attorney general himself."

It was always obvious that the GOP wasn't going to stop with just denying minors trans healthcare — eliminating trans people entirely is their ultimate goal, and they MUST be stopped!

Demand Missouri restore gender-affirming care for trans kids and adults!

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