Our elected officials voted "AGAINST" the residents of Hempstead and "FOR" a landfill and environmental racism.
This landfill will destroy the health and economic future of the residents of Hempstead. Please watch this compelling message from the residents of Uniontown Alabama to the residents of Hempstead, where I live, and then sign this petition and ask your family and friends to sign this petition. The people in this video live near a landfill owned and operated by the same company that is trying to build a landfill in Hempstead:
The demographics of the economically underserved Hempstead area are ideal for a major corporation to build a controversial landfill: a relatively poor rural population is much less likely to mount and sustain a long and costly legal challenge.
Landfills leak – Green Group has a history of building faulty landfills -- and this acreage sits directly above the Chicot Aquifer, the only source of water for Hempstead. This water is municipal, agricultural, and used by federally protected wildlife. This area is also the headwater for Clear Creek, which runs to the Brazos River. Water that originates here is used as drinking water by cities and districts downstream.
The Highway 6 Landfill is unwanted by the residents of Hempstead and Waller County — and would economically and environmentally destroy an area that’s already struggling for survival.
The constituents overwhelmingly demanded, pleaded, begged and insisted that the Commissioners vote to insure that this landfill not be built. But our local officials acted like dictators and voted against the health and financial well being of the people who elected them.
After the vote, my seven-year-old child asked me, "Did we lose, Mommy?" I told her that yes, we did, but that it is not over and will keep fighting. She was very quiet for awhile, and then asked,"They really don’t care about all the children that can get sick and die if the landfill breaks, do they?" And I told her that no, they don’t, but that I will continue fighting against the landfill and make sure that that doesn’t happen.
Will you please help me keep my promise to my child?
Please sign my petition to stop this landfill and save the economy of Waller County and the health of its residents.
Our local officials are defying their constituents and supporting environmental racism in Waller County, Texas. We need your help to protect the health of our citizens and the economy of our county.
The demographics of Waller County and the economically underserved Hempstead area are ideal for a major corporation to build a controversial landfill: a relatively poor rural population is much less likely to mount and sustain a long and costly legal challenge.
Our local official are supporting this environmental racism and refusing to represent the wishes and best interests of their constituency by supporting the Highway 6 Landfill in the face of overwhelming evidence that it will have tremendous negative health, economic and environmental impacts on the area.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) refers to the landfill company as their "clients." The landfill company has appeared before the commission a number of times over the past two years and the TCEQ has broken several of their policies to accommodate the building of this landfill.
The Highway 6 Landfill is a proposed site in Hempstead—a rural and economically underserved area 45 miles northwest of Houston. The population is roughly 3,000. The land in question is a 723-acre piece of historic property with stagecoach roads, a family cemetery and two spring-fed creeks.
Landfills leak and this acreage sits directly above the Chicot Aquifer, the only source of water for Hempstead. This water is municipal, agricultural, and used by federally protected wildlife. This area is also the headwater for Clear Creek, which runs to the Brazos River. Water that originates here is used as drinking water by cities and districts downstream.
The Highway 6 Landfill is unwanted by the residents of Waller County — and it would economically and environmentally destroy an area that’s already struggling for survival.
Please stop the Highway 6 Landfill and investigate unethical and possibly illegal behavior by the TCEQ, Judge Glenn Beckendorff and the Waller County Commissioners.
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