Adopt Curbside Glass Recycling for Newberg, OR

  • av: Shannon G
  • mottagare: Newberg City Council, Newberg, OR, Waste Management, Dave Huber, Newberg, OR

With much support from our community, curbside glass recycling has the attention of the Newberg City Council. Waste Management has introduced a new curbside glass pick up program to provide a convenient 20 gallon cart on wheels, with glass pick up two times a month.

Benefits of the proposed program:
- Less glass in our local landfill; glass is infinitively recyclable
- Each recycled bottle saves the equivalent to running a computer 30 minutes
- Avoid new bypass traffic next to Wynooski drop off site
- Helpful to elderly, disabled and those without vehicles
- No more searching for drop off centers as a new or existing resident
- Avoid mess and safety issues of moving and dropping off glass

The proposed program is being offered at a nominal fee of $2.88/month. This fee goes towards procuring 6000 bins for our city, and sustaining the equipment / manpower to provide this service. Let the Newberg City Council and Waste Management know that you are in support of this program by signing this petition.

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