National Public Radio should not promote American Natural Gas Alliance's environmental record

High-volume hydro-fracking is a controversial gas extraction technique currently in wide use in Pennsylvania. New Yorkers are fighting the introduction of fracking into the state and the deep-pocketed industry is pushing hard to make it happen. In PA, the DEP is under investigation for falsifying water tests of drinking wells contaminated by fracking chemicals.  The USGS may be guilty of colluding with the gas industry in publishing results of radioactivity tests on just the wells the industry selected. 

In upstate NY HVHF has generated fierce opposition, including many moratoria and bans.  It could be NPR doesn't get it.  Or maybe they're on the wrong side of the issue.  Certainly, NPR should not be promoting the gas industry's commitment to jobs and the environment.  I wrote our local affiliate when I withheld my yearly contribution and got no response.  I wrote NPR and got no response.  I guess my contribution is not as important to them as ANGA's.  Will you stand with me and withhold your contribution to NPR until they pull the ads touting ANGA's commitment to our environment?

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