Children in middle school are forced to rip open frogs in school. A single school can kill hundreds of frogs for one class. There are easier, more humane ways of teaching people about the biology of animals and humans without killing innocent creatures.
Frogs given to schools are provided by many different suppliers, but there are cases of severe animal cruelty in which the employees and companies show absolutely no respect for the animals, as shown by PETA:
"PETA investigators documented cases in which animals were removed from gas chambers and injected with formaldehyde without first being checked for vital signs, a violation of the Animal Welfare Act. Formaldehyde is a severely irritating caustic substance that causes a painful death. Investigators' video footage documents incidences in which cats and rats were struggling during injection and employees were spitting on them. One rabbit, still alive after being gassed, tried to crawl out of a wheelbarrow full of water and dead rabbits. Employees laughed as a coworker held the rabbit's head underwater and pulled him out just as death seemed near, repeating the process again and again until, bored with the "game," the employee held the animal's head underwater long enough to drown him."
What's more, middle schoolers are too immature to appreciate the sacrifice made for their education. Children will laugh, giggle, and poke at the corpses, because the education system does not teach children to appreciate the lives of animals, and this practice only worsens this fallacy.
We must demand that this cruel practice is outdated! This is no longer appropriate because the frogs are killed for money, not for education, and children are left with the idea that small animals are insignificant creatures who's sacrifice means nothing. Demand an end, now!