Olympic Cleaners Deserve Better Living Conditions

Olympic cleaners are being accommodated in housing that would not meet housing laws.

Their portable-cabin village has been likened to a prison or slum by its new residents. They sleep 10 to a room, share the toilet with 25 others and the shower with 75. Some females have left, refusing to sleep in mixed sex cabins with men they didn’t know. Those that have stayed have to pay £18 a day, despite not working for the first two weeks.

Heavy rain has left the site flooded and many cabins are leaking. Crates have been put down as stepping stones.

Many of the workers have come from abroad to the East London camp, despite promises that the jobs would go to Brits.

As the accommodation is temporary, planning was granted and welfare conditions ignored by the council.

This is blatant exploitation in times of crisis; organizers are taking advantage of the unemployed. Join our call for decent accommodation for Olympic cleaners.

We the undersigned are horrified to read out the disgraceful living conditions being endured by Olympic workers.

The Daily Mail newspaper has reported that cleaners are living 10 to a room, sharing the toilet with 25 others and the shower with 75. Furthermore, many of the cabins are leaking and the area around them has become flooded. We believe that these conditions contravene housing laws and heath and safety guidelines.

More shocking still is that the cleaners are being charged £18 a day to live in such poor conditions. It appears as though Olympic organisers are taking advantage of the economic crisis and exploiting those that a desperate for work.

Not only do these workers deserve better conditions, but it is an embarrassment to the UK that organizers would even consider this type of housing for Olympic employees. Please take prompt action to improve the living conditions of these cleaners.

Thank you for your attention.

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