President Biden Is Still Building a Border Wall, Even Though He Campaigned Against It

A cornerstone of President Trump's racist presidency was his commitment to a ridiculously expensive wall on the southern border. Now, the Biden Administration is using executive powers to continue the border wall construction in Texas.

Joe Biden ran against Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy. In fact, he has repeatedly said that walls don't work, and that migrants will still try to cross into the United States for safety anyway. So why is he letting construction of this wall continue?

Sign now to tell President Biden: stop carrying out Trump's plans! Take executive action to end the border wall construction NOW!

The wall isn't just a symbol of xenophobia. Building it has real, tangible negative impacts. Finishing the wall could destroy beautiful ecosystems and break up key wildlife habitat, and the existing wall has resulted in the death and injury of thousands of migrants.

If Joe Biden actually wants to do something about migration to the southern border, he should focus on addressing the climate crisis, which has driven tens of thousands of people out of their homes and northward because of crop failure, drought, and increased disasters.

President Biden must stand up for migrants and protect their rights, not sentence them to death with a longer border wall. Sign the petition now to demand Biden stop this construction immediately!
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