Save Costa Rica Puppies!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: The Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

Pictures of mangled dogs have been circulating via social media in Costa Rica. It appears that some Costa Rican dog owners think nothing of cruelly slicing at their pets' throats with wires and enacting other abuses.

Animal activists swung into action and drafted a bill that will offer a wide range of protections to animals, especially companion animals. The Animal Welfare bill calls for prison sentences of up to six years for cruelty to animals. It would also bring reforms to bullfighting and restrict the use of animals in entertainment.

President Luis Guillermo has made passage of this bill a priority. However, Costa Rica's Libertarian Movement party is trying to gut the bill by adding amendments that will weaken its authority. Please tell the Costa Rica Legislative Assembly to pass the current draft of the bill without further amendments.

To the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica:

We the undersigned are dismayed to hear that pointless cruelty to animals, especially family pets, is running amock in Costa Rica. 

The Animal Welfare act currently before you is the best way to stem abusive practices that leave companion animals injured, infected, and even dead. This law will put offenders in prison for up to six years. We believe this will be an effective deterrent to animal cruelty. 

Please don't let the Libertarian Movement party gut this bill and render it useless. We call upon you to pass the current draft of the bill.

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