Stop Construction on Charles River

There is a proposal coming before the Natick Conservation Commission to build a four thousand+/-square foot building - within the areas designated by the EPA, as protected - on the banks of the Charles River.
The last thing Natick needs is to destroy one of the few undeveloped riverfront areas it has left, because a few individuals that are not even Natick residents want to benefit from developing it.
What makes this more unreasonable is the fact that there is room on this land to build a smaller structure that wouldn't encroach on the 200' protected area. Thing is - these guys want to build a McMansion as close to the river as they can. This Will impact the river, creating more problems than we already have. Like this page if you agree
Town of Natick Bylaws Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Regulations
1. The total area of disturbance shall be minimized
(Not "can, or may" be minimized, "shall")

There is a proposal coming before the Natick Conservation Commission to build a four thousand+/-square foot building - within the areas designated by the EPA, as protected - on the banks of the Charles River. The last thing Natick needs is to destroy one of the few undeveloped riverfront areas it has left, because a few individuals that are not even Natick residents want to benefit from developing it. What makes this more unreasonable is the fact that there is room on this land to build a smaller structure that wouldn't encroach on the 200' protected area. Thing is - these guys want to build a McMansion as close to the river as they can. This Will impact the river, creating more problems than we already have. Like this page if you agree Town of Natick Bylaws Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Regulations Standards 1. The total area of disturbance shall be minimized (Not "can, or may" be minimized, "shall")

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