Please crosspost AND vote! In response to VICK's new current news about WANTING A DOG.....FOX now has a poll out on whether he should be allowed to ever have one (Judge Hudson's ruling was no). The categories are; Yes, he seems contrite No way, not ever  Not yet, maybe later %uFEFFNO way, not ever  is only ahead by 2%.....LET's get this passed around and around and GET THE "NO way, not ever" into the 90 % area....Thanks - Vote and pass on BIG TIME... PLEASE VOTE HERE: see Judge Hudson's Ruling:Go to:    Then click on: "Vick Sentencing Order.pdf" at the bottom of the page

An estimated 52 million dogs and 57 million cats live with U.S. families. For every human born, 7 puppies and kittens are born. One female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats in 7 years. One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in 6 years. More than 12 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year. Millions more are abandoned in rural and urban areas. As many as 25% of dogs entering shelters each year are purebreds. Approximately 61% of all dogs entering shelters are killed. Approximately 75% of all cats entering shelters are killed.

It costs approximately $100 to capture, house, feed, and eventually kill each stray animal -- a cost which you, the taxpayer, eventually pay --so whose funding a big dog killing machine -- YOU.





4 - Vick the Prick, his Bagman Pacelle

and Our Heroes Jane Velez-Mitchell & Jim Gorant


So, now Michael Vick wants a dog because his kids miss having a dog
around the house. Boo-fucking-hoo. Maybe Michael Vick should explain to
his kids why he is not allowed to bring a dog into their house. On
Thursday, December 17, 2010, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell featured a
segment about Michael Vick with guest bagman Wayne Pacelle of the
Humane Society of the United States (H$U$).

Also a guest was Senior Sports Illustrated writer, Jim Gorant, who
wrote the wonderful book, The Lost Dogs, about the Michael Vick
dogfighting scandal.  In the book he describes how Michael Vick and an
associate each took an end of an underperforming dog and continuously
raised the dog over their heads and slammed the dog onto the ground
until finally the broken dog died.

....We do not let
pedophiles work in day care centers.....
....We should not
allow an animal abuser to work in a shelter.....
....We should not
allow Michael Vick to have a dog. Not now....not ever. ....
....Michael Vick has
not shown any remorse toward the victims of his monstrous behavior. ....

....Three cheers for
Jane Velez-Mitchell, who stood up for abused animals everywhere when
she calmly but firmly told Wayne Pacelle that she did not agree with
him.  You see, Wayne Pacelle and H$U$, are sponsoring and promoting
Michael Vick's re-entry into society.  Most likely, it was Vick's DEAL
with H$US, that allowed the deadbeat animal abuser to resume his
lucrative career in the NFL. Wayne actually said that he thought it
would be a good idea for Vick to work in an animal shelter.


1.  Contact Jane Velez-Mitchell to thank her for speaking up for abused

Feedback for
Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell

Check out the page for Issues and see how many references there are to
animal stories!

Issues with
Jane Velez-Mitchell

2.  Jim Gorant's book The Lost Dogs would make a wonderful Christmas
gift for the animal lover or sports enthusiast in your family or
community. A must read for anyone who loves Pit Bulls.

The Lost Dogs

3.  Let Wayne Pacelle and H$U$ know how you feel about their bizarre
position promoting Michael Vick, a convicted animal abuser. Let them
know that since Vick has resumed his football career and been speaking
out against dog fighting, dog fighting is on the rise in Philadelphia,
home town of the Eagles.

Humane Society of
the United States

Wayne Pacelle

....The Humane
Society of the United States

2100 L St., NW

Washington, D.C. 20037

Phone: 202-452-1100

When making your holiday gift giving selections, please keep this
information in mind.

If you have
any questions,
comments or suggestions feel free to contact
us at:

the WAR MySpace page:

WAR on Facebook: ....

a commitment to do something significant, each and every day, to save


info contact Win Animal Rights at:
646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

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