Urgent Appeal - Sheik Khaled Tantoush - Tortured in Libya

Alexandra Valiente and Franklin Lamb
ibya 360°

URGENT APPEAL FOR THE LIFE OF SHEIK KHALED TANTOUSH who was captured in his hometown of Sirte by the Military Brigade in Misrata.  The same brigade that ruthlessly executed Muammar Qadhafi.  A revered Religious Leader whose only crime, supporting a different political view than those of his captures.  Sheik Khalid Spoke out against NATO's agression in Libya.

Franklin recalls that Sheik Khaled was one of the most popular TV religious figures and appeared often, maybe three times per week on his or others programs and attended loyalist political events. He was very accessible to everyone. He gave me his written testimony on the Brega bombing.

One thing I will not forget about him is that during Ramadan, being a well connected religious leader, his mosque would distribute food. When I told him of one large family with four girls and three boys and no father who needed help, he immediately dispatched an aid to take the family 500 Libyan dinars to buy food for the family iftars. This person advised me that the Gadhafi regime had an elaborate network of distributing cash grants and food to needy families and Sheik Khaled was part of the organization that accomplished this.

This video of him being tortured is what everyone is subjected to when they are questioned. Of course we have no idea what Sheik Khaled has been subjected to since or before it was taken. In the video his tormentors are playing one of his sermons in the background and ridiculing his pro-Gadhafi theme.

Sheik Khaled Tantoush presided over the funeral and burial of Muammar Gaddafi, Mu’tassim Gaddafi and Abu Bakr Younis, which can be viewed here.

He was was abducted from his home in Sirte and is being held prisoner in Misratah where he is subjected to daily torture. He is at immanent risk of execution.

Dr. Lamb will attempt to visit him in prison and will provide more details soon.

Please check the following link for updates

On behalf of Sheik Khaled antoush and his family,

We implore readers to assist us in saving this mans life.  Please sign this petition to World Leaders and Organizations that have the power to make a difference, reminding them of their duty to honor and uphold these laws.  .  


This appeal campaign is © Copyright 2011 by Citizens for Human Rights, Justice and Peace. Republication is strictly forbidden. You are however permitted, encouraged and welcome to post the link to the original letter of appeal and petition. On behalf of Libya's political prisoners, we thank you for your support and cooperation.

We the people of the International Community Appeal for the IMMEDIATE RELEASE of  Libyan religious Leader Sheil Khaled Tantoush, who was abducted from his home by one of the New Libyan governments Military Brigades.  Sheik Tantoush's only crime, accused of supporting the Gaddafi Regime. 
In Alexandra Valiente`s original appeal, Franklin Lamb described Sheik Tantoush as a popular Religious leader in Libya.  Franklin recalls Sheik Tantoush's charitable work.  You'll also find a video of Sheik Tantoush being abused by his captures.  The very same people that are to serve and protect. 

Tantoush is one of the modern Islamic leaders of Libya. His arrest and torture by NATO soldiers provides disturbing evidence of the radical Islamic character of the New Libyan Regime. Otherwise, why torture this man? The TNC is not a tolerate or inclusive government. They are violent radicals.
                                 Susan Linlauder, Journalist, Author, Anti-War Activist

Urgent Appeal - Let Saif see his Laawyer

New Libyan Government (NTC) forces Atrocities

Please save Dr. Abuzaid Dorda

The Petition Signers

This appeal campaign is © Copyright 2011 by Citizens for Human Rights, Justice and Peace. Republication is strictly forbidden. You are however permitted, encouraged and welcome to post the link to the original letter of appeal and petition. On behalf of Libya's political prisoners, we thank you for your support and cooperation.
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