Turn on the Central Valley Water Pumps in California

We the People of the United States of America are hereby demanding  the water pumps for the Central Valley area of California be turned on immediately.  We are demanding immediate action be taken to ensure that the crops being grown in this and it's surrounding areas receive water the farmers need to yield a good crops for 2009 and in the future.  We are also demanding that an immediate plan of action be taken to rectify the environmental concerns regarding the aquatic life be resolved and a plan to be implemented for the construction of a new channeling or reservoir that is capable of carrying water to the farmlands.  The new system should and will ensure the safety of the Salmon, minnows and other aquatic life to be able to live freely and thrive in it's natural environment.  We will not allow the State of California, our U.S. Government or it's agencies to control the production or non-production of our agriculture being grown in California in our United States of America.  The signatures of this petition fully agree and are demanding immediate action be taken to restore the flow of water by turning on the water pumps to the Central Valley areas of California.
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