Stop Wolf Poisoning and Aerial Shooting in Canada!
Human tar-sands development in Canada is killing off native caribou. To prevent the caribou population from declining further, the country plans to shoot and poison wolves, their natural predators.
The poison used will be strychnine, a bait used to kill vermin since the 1600s. The country plans to kill additional wolves by shooting them from planes. Both control measures are harmful for the environment and cruel to wolves. Poison bait causes convulsions and may poison non-target animals, and aerial shooting is more likely to wound wolves and make them suffer than kill them instantly.
The National Wildlife Foundation is suggesting that Canada restore natural Caribou environments as an alternative to targeting wolves. Please sign the petition to convince Canada to end their plans to poison and shoot wolves.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to shoot and poison wolves to prevent the caribou population from declining further. Wolves are natural predators of caribou, and should not be killed for the natural act of eating prey in the wild.
We are particularly concerned with the proposed methods of killing the wolves: strychnine poison and aerial shooting. Both control measures are harmful for the environment and cruel to wolves.
Poison bait causes convulsions and may poison non-target animals, and aerial shooting is more likely to wound wolves and make them suffer than kill them instantly.The National Wildlife Foundation is suggesting that Canada restore natural Caribou environments as an alternative to targeting wolves. Please consider the National Wildlife Foundation's proposal and end your plans to shoot and poison wolves. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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