Stop the Stimulus Madness!

I strongly urge you to oppose the upcoming government spending spree, otherwise known as President Barack Obama's "stimulus" package.

I know the temptation to "do something" about the current economic situation may be strong, but last year's financial bailout once again showed us that rushing in with tax money is irresponsible. Haste makes waste.

I'm counting on you to not give away hundreds of billions of dollars for projects with questionable economic impact. The "stimulus" plan is turning into a giveaway for states, cities, and other politically-connected special interests, and my friends and family shouldn't be forced to finance any lobbyist's wish list.

I'm also concerned about President Obama's pledge to hire 600,000 more federal government employees. I'll be on the hook for paying their salaries, their benefits, and their pensions! No thank you.

A bigger government is likely to hurt -- not help -- our economy. After all, taxpayers will be stuck with the tab for new spending, either sooner (through more taxes) or later on (through more debt our children will pay). Vote NO.
I strongly urge you to oppose the upcoming government spending spree, otherwise known as President Barack Obama's "stimulus" package.

I know the temptation to "do something" about the current economic situation may be strong, but last year's financial bailout once again showed us that rushing in with tax money is irresponsible. Haste makes waste.

I'm counting on you to not give away hundreds of billions of dollars for projects with questionable economic impact. The "stimulus" plan is turning into a giveaway for states, cities, and other politically-connected special interests, and my friends and family shouldn't be forced to finance any lobbyist's wish list.

I'm also concerned about President Obama's pledge to hire 600,000 more federal government employees. I'll be on the hook for paying their salaries, their benefits, and their pensions! No thank you.

A bigger government is likely to hurt -- not help -- our economy. After all, taxpayers will be stuck with the tab for new spending, either sooner (through more taxes) or later on (through more debt our children will pay). Vote NO.
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