An alarming new proposal by the Queensland Government will establish a dedicated shark fin fishery in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and other marine parks in Queensland.
The Australian Marine Conservation Society (and anyone who cares for our oceans) is astonished by this proposal, in which Queensland's fisheries department (DPI&F) plans to legitimise one of the most unsustainable forms of fishing on the planet - shark fin fishing. With over 90% of the world's sharks and other big fish gone from our oceans, this project is unsustainable, unethical and will be flatly rejected by the Australian public.
Not only is the Queensland Government proposing to hand out specific fishing licenses for shark fin fishing, which will entrench the practice for years, they are planning to legitimise shark finning in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and in the Marine Parks of Moreton Bay and the Great Sandy Straits with this new license proposal.
Shark finning at sea, where the fins are cut of the shark and the carcass is thrown overboard, is banned in Australia (thanks to our efforts). However, shark fin fishing continues - sharks are still being targeted for their high value fins although their carcasses are now kept and sold as low value waste products.
AMCS has pressed DPI&F to phase out shark fishing and they have failed to do so. What does it say for the sustainability agenda of this agency when it fails not only to protect one of the state's most vulnerable group of species, but promotes their exploitation?Dear Minister
Re: Stop shark fishing on the Great Barrier Reef
We the undersigned are alarmed to hear that your department is about to entrench one of the most unsustainable forms of fishing on the planet - shark fishing. We understand that you are planning to license and legitimise shark fishing on the Great Barrier Reef (and across Queensland) and we strongly oppose this proposal.
With over 90% of the world%u2019s sharks and other big fish gone from our oceans, we cannot afford to lose our precious sharks due to unsustainable and unethical fishing practices.
In essence, Minister, We urge you to work with fishers to save sharks, not hunt them. Please revoke the proposed shark fishery licence symbol you are considering. In our view this licence would legitimise and entrench shark fishing (and finning) on the Great Barrier Reef. Please also set a zero bag limit for sharks for both the commercial and recreational fishing sectors in Queensland.
We hope you shareour concerns and take action now on this matter. We look forward to your earliest response.genom att skriva under accepterar du användarvillkor för Care2 Du kan hantera dina epostabonnemang när som helst.
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