Stop the importation of wild live coral sells a large selection of marine corals and fish to aquarium enthusiasts. Some of these corals come directly from the ocean, disrupting and destroying the reefs natural balance. With the new threat of global warming, the coral reefs are on the brink of destruction, and the harvest of corals and fish is just one more thing threatening one of the most productive ecosystems on earth. Sign the petition to show your disapproval towards the Reef hot spot's coral and fish importation.
We the undersigned are asking you to immediately discontinue your importation of wild coral and fish from the oceans around the world. With global warming becoming a more significant threat to the reefs, the harvest of corals and fish is just one more thing that is damaging this beautiful and fragile ecosystem. We encourage you to pursue your business of selling marine creatures through captive breeding programs instead of importation. Until this is changed, we will refuse to buy from your store, and encourage others to do the same. Marine creatures are a beautiful organisms that should be enjoyed both in the wild and in people's homes, and if the fish and coral continue to be taken from the reefs, our future generations of children may not have the opportunity to understand these beautiful animals. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and we hope you consider what we have asked.
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