Stop The "Cat Cutters": ask China for animal protection laws

  • av: Alice O.
  • mottagare: The Chinese Government,WSPCA, PETA, ANIMALSASIA,IFAW
Probably a%uFFFD lot of you have received a video referring to "cat cutters".
When I received it I felt sick for the whole day. In the video there are%uFFFD Chinese kids filming each other while tying cats to trees, and torturing them to death, through horrible unspeakable sufferance that can be read in the eyes of the victims. The animals are slowly skinned alive.%uFFFD At the beginning of the video a woman is seen in the background rushing past the scene with her child, for some reason ignoring the situation.

I believe this is the bottom of the pit, and something MUST be done about it. There must be legal prosecution against these crimes. Let's ask the government of China to take action against these brutalities. Animal protection laws need to be created, and individuals who do such hideous crimes need to be punished.
The First Victim

Heartless murderers

They Eyes of Pain
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to congratulate the Chinese government's active policy in recent years to protect animals.%uFFFD However it has been clear that there exists a large group of people for various reasons who wish to treat animals in the most demeaning and disrespectful ways.%uFFFD I have attached photographs taken from a video of one such case where two innocent animal are being skinned alive.%uFFFD It is clear to be seen that this is cruel and inhumane and serves no purpose.%uFFFD

I would plead with you to create laws to protect the welfare of animals and to prevent their sufferance, and to punish the culprits of such crimes.%uFFFD These activities not only represent China in a bad light but humanity as a whole, and to allow such activities to go unpunished is not just an insult to the animals that suffer but to ourselves and our nations who strive to evolve into 21st century societies.

I plead again with you to take action against the perpetrators of such crimes and see justice done.
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