Stop NASA From Bombing the Moon!

We the undersigned are against NASA's LRCROSS plan to bomb the dark side of the moon at the South pole scheduled for October 8, 2009. The excuse given is that this is an effort to find water deep under lunar surface. But it also serves as a live-fire test exercise for US war strategists with an interest in the precision of orbiting satellite weapons%u2014in other words, the southern hemisphere of the Moon will be turned into a firing range, making this mission one giant leap for the global reach of space warfare. Secondly, LCROSS has been promoted as "the vanguard" for the US military-industrial-entertainment complex%u2019s return to the Moon%u2014according to NASA, finding water is a necessary first step for "building a long-term and sustainable human presence" there. Historically, the purpose of exploration has always been the exploitation of resources and the colonization of territory without regard for ecosystems or indigenous peoples, and clearly the Moon is the next territory coveted by imperialists. This so-called "NASA experiment" is a hostile act of aggression and a violent intrusion upon our closest and dearest celestial neighbor that will also have far reaching effects here on earth. Who knows how this will effect ocean tides and weather patterns, to say the least. We pledge solidarity with the Moon and ask your support in preventing this planned attack against her.  We pledge to do our part: to implore other celestial bodies and entities to aid her. To alk to her in our dreams, trances, or meditations. To send out imaginative protection to her, and put our dream bodies out there in front of any bombings. Collectively, we can sabotage the bombing by imagining all manner of things going wrong and by encouraging the Moon to increase her own magnetic shields. To view the entire Surrealist Manifesto "No War on the Moon" at Photo courtesy of Lunadarity forever!
We the undersigned are against NASA's LRCROSS plan to bomb the dark side of the moon at the South pole scheduled for October 8, 2009. The excuse given is that this is an effort to find water deep under lunar surface. But it also serves as a live-fire test exercise for US war strategists with an interest in the precision of orbiting satellite weapons -- in other words, the southern hemisphere of the Moon will be turned into a firing range, making this mission one giant leap for the global reach of space warfare. Secondly, LCROSS has been promoted as "the vanguard" for the US military-industrial-entertainment complex's return to the Moon- - according to NASA, finding water is a necessary first step for "building a long-term and sustainable human presence" there. Historically, the purpose of exploration has always been the exploitation of resources and the colonization of territory without regard for ecosystems or indigenous peoples, and clearly the Moon is the next territory coveted by imperialists. This so-called "NASA experiment" is a hostile act of aggression and a violent intrusion upon our closest and dearest celestial neighbor that will also have far reaching effects here on earth. Who knows how this will effect ocean tides and weather patterns, to say the least. We pledge solidarity with the Moon and ask your support in preventing this planned attack against her.  We pledge to do our part: to implore other celestial bodies and entities to aid her. To talk to her in our dreams, trances, or meditations. To send out imaginative protection to her, and put our dream bodies out there in front of any bombings. To imagine all manner of things going wrong and to encourage the Moon to increase her own magnetic shields. To view the entire Surrealist Manifesto "No War on the Moon" please visit Photo courtesy of Lunadarity forever! Thank you for hearing us out and defending the Moon against any bombings.
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