Stop Military Bomb Experiments on Live Animals

Now, PETA has learned that the military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is using bombs to create traumatic brain injuries in live pigs and rats to test the effects of body armor, even though experiments on these animals cannot accurately mimic effects in humans.

In April 2009, USA Today reported: "Military researchers have dressed live pigs in body armor and strapped them into Humvee simulators that were then blown up with explosives to study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain injury. . . . The next round of the testing is scheduled for later this year."

The military's past animal experiments have failed soldiers miserably. Previous military experiments on a treatment for severe blood hemorrhaging using QuikClot found a 100 percent survival rate in pigs, but the treatment was completely ineffective in the field and resulted in the tragic deaths of brave soldiers.

Instead of using animals, DARPA should follow the lead of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, which has developed a computer simulation that models the motion of a blast wave using data gathered from laboratory experiments with sensor-studded human mannequins. 
 Please urge Ron Kurjanowicz, Robert Leheny, and Geoffrey Ling to tell President Obama to stop this! Before anymore humans get hurt, thats why animal testing doesnt work!
i know this is very discuting and cruel, but as we all share the same feelings we must stick together and end this
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We the undersigned, undestand that you need to test out the equipment first but, I was shocked to read that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is using bombs to create traumatic brain injuries in live pigs and rats to test the effects of body armor, even though experts state these animals cannot accurately mimic effects in humans. DARPA should follow the lead of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, which has developed a computer simulation blast model using human mannequins.

Please end the Blast Injury Research Program's use of animals and instead use only non-animal research methods.

thank you

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