Stop Florida's Ag Gag Bill

Earlier this year, a bill was introduced in Florida by Senator Jim Norman that would have made it a felony to take photos or video of a farm or agriculture operation, hence the nickname Ag Gag.

Sen. Norman has recently reintroduced this legislation by sneaking similar language into a larger agricultural bill (SB 1184), which will make it a first-degree misdemeanor to take photos, audio recordings or video of a farm or farm operation without previous written consent.

This is a shameful example of prior restraint that will do nothing but allow facilities to operate in secrecy and shield agribusiness from any accountability, while punishing those who are bringing cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals to light and allowing consumers to make informed choices.

The state of Florida should not consider protecting an industry that has something to hide at the expense of animal welfare, its residents, consumer safety and the First Amendment.

Please sign the petition asking Florida's senators not to pass this legislation in any form.


As someone who cares about the welfare of animals and consumer safety, I was disappointed to learn that Senator Jim Norman's legislation that would make it a crime to take photos, audio and video recordings of farms has been reintroduced in an agricultural bill. 

SB 1184 includes similar language to legislation that has previously failed in Florida, and three other states, and has been deemed unconstitutional by many. The state of Florida should not consider protecting an industry that has something to hide at the expense of animal welfare, its residents, consumer safety and the First Amendment. 

This is a shameful example of prior restraint that will do nothing but allow facilities to operate in secrecy and shield agribusiness from any accountability, while punishing those who are bringing cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals to light and allowing consumers to make informed choices.

I hope you will not allow this bill, or similar legislation, to pass in any form and instead support transparency in agriculture. 

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