Every year in the Faroe Islands, innocent and helpless dolphins and pilot whales are slaughtered brutally. Why you may ask? Simply for a pointless and stupid rite of passage to manhood.

What point is there in killing another living being just to prove you have "evolved".  There is clearly absolutely no need.

Whales and dolphins are sensitive, social animals with highly developed nervous systems. They have a profound capacity to suffer distress, terror and pain. They are amazing, gentle, caring and probably more intelligent. Yet, each year, the Faroese kill thousands of pilot whales and dolphins.

These poor animals are stabbed a number of times. And as if that weren't enough, they bleed to death, probably in excruciating pain while the whole town watches. The Faroese celebrate the butchery of their victims in an carnival atmosphere of entertainment. Children are often given a day off school to watch the fun. They run down to the bay and clamber over the carcasses of slaughtered animals.

Needles to say, killing a defenceless animal is no proof of anybody's manhood, but is completely pointlessness and an act of barbarism. By slaughtering 100s of animals at a time, the Faroese are wiping out entire family groups. They are killing off the species and damaging the web of life in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.

The North Atlantic long-finned pilot whales are listed as 'strictly protected' by the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.
The drive hunt is a practice abandoned elsewhere many decades ago, and now outlawed by other European states. The inhabitants of the Faroe Islands have no subsistence need for whale meat, and much of the flesh is left to rot and be dumped; it cannot be exported, as it is polluted with heavy metals and other toxins and therefore cannot meet EU heath standards for human food.

So, I urge you, as I am sure many more have, to stop this nonsense and take action. Never ever has killing another creature, another living being with whom we share this world, done any good, to anyone. So let's stop it.

Thank you for everything you do for animals!
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