Shut Down Huntingdon Life Sciences

  • av: Alison Jones
  • mottagare: HLS CEO Andrew Baker & Gordon Brown, PM

This is the third-largest contract animal testing company in the world. Every day, an average of 500 animals die whilst being forced to inhale or ingest disinfectants, tanning lotions, toxic chemicals, coffee sweeteners, diet pills, weedkillers and numerous other products and medications. Testing on animals DOESN'T work. Each species reacts differently to things.
Video footage has been taken of employees violently shaking and punching a four month old beagle and dissecting a conscious monkey.
An estimated 12800 animals died in the testing of the artificial sweetener Splenda alone.
We cannot ignore this. We cannot turn away as if nothing is happening. We cannot let this continue. It is our responsibility to speak out against this barbaric injustice. Every living thing is entitled to do just that - live. Being kept in a cage at Huntington Life Sciences until the experiments kill you is no life. It is Hell.

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