Say no to Camel Fighting!

Camel Fighting

Frothing at the mouth and tearing at each other with their teeth, this is the horrifying sight of camels being forced to fight for sport in Afghanistan.

The sport of camel-fighting is popular in the north of the war-torn country - right up there with dog-fighting and cock-fighting.

Two camels challenge each other during a camel-fighting game on the outskirts of the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif. The game, as well as dog fighting, ram-fighting and Buzkashi, are part of Afghanistan's New Year festivities.

The pictures below were taken in 2008 in Mazar-i-Sharif, the provincial capital of the Balkh province north of Kabul.

One camel has been felled and is stomped on by the other

A crowd of male onlookers watching two camels tear one another apart before one is announced as the winner.

The camels tear at one another with their teeth

We the undersigned need your help to stop the cruelty to camels.

Frothing at the mouth and tearing at each other with their teeth, this is the horrifying sight of camels being forced to fight for sport in Afghanistan.

The sport of camel-fighting is popular in the north of the war-torn country - right up there with dog-fighting and cock-fighting.

When people see what's happening to these poor animals, why don't they try to stop it? Where's the fun in watching camels, or any other animal, fight to the death?

Please help us!

And thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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