Save the Grand Mosque in Didymoteicho. Greece

Honourable Mr Prime Minister.We the undersigned, please you to take action urgent for the Chelebi Sultan Mehmed Mosque in Didymoteicho. That mosque is an abandoned World Heritage in danger. We know that the Hellenic Archeological Authority put under his protection the Grand Mosque in Didymoteicho. But the repairing works must proceed urgently, without any delay.  
 Thank you for taking time to read my letter.
Honourable Mr Prime Minister.We the undersigned, please you to take action urgent for the Chelebi Sultan Mehmed Mosque in Didymoteicho. That mosque is an abandoned World Heritage in danger. We know that the Hellenic Archeological Authority put under his protection the Grand Mosque in Didymoteicho. But the repairing works must proceed urgently, without any delay.  
 Thank you for taking time to read my letter.
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