Save the Amazon Rainforest

The amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. It covers 2.5 million miles of South America. But this magnificent rainforest is in trouble. With native people and large companies%uFFFDthreatening it's survival, we need to help out.%uFFFDRain forests%uFFFDare%uFFFDconsidered the "lungs of the world". Also, when plants such as the huge rainforest trees are killed, they release carbon dioxide, which instead of acting as a good thing in stopping Global Warming will turn into a nightmare. We need these forests to be alive. Without them, we will be at the point of no return. If these forests continue %uFFFDto disappear at the alarming rate that they are now, many possible medicines and ways to treat diseases will be lost due to the biodiversity in the forests. Please sign this petition to say that you're ready to save our rainforests!
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