to get general motors attention so that they know that they would be making a big mistake getting rid of Pontiac.

We the undersigned do submit this petition to get general motors attention so that they know that they would be making a big mistake getting rid of Pontiac. Pontiac is more than just a brand of cars to millions of people around the world, they are a lifestyle and an American legacy. We understand the hardships brought on by the current status of the American economy and each and every American citizen is feeling it right now. But getting rid of such an American Icon is not the answer. If a car line up has to be gotten rid of by GM how about they get rid of saturn or one of their other overpriced subsidaries. Or how about they cut the pay of the multi-million dollar a year ceos or other highly over-paid employees. If GM wants to get rid of a familiar car lineup why not get rid of the highly overpriced cadillac lineup.

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