Republican National Committee Should Denounce Rush Limbaugh

  • av: Peter Wood
  • mottagare: Mr. Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Rush Limbaugh thinks that sparking riots at the Democrat's Convention is a viable political tool. It is not. Riots and violence are the political tools of tyrannies and fascists. The Republican National Party should publicly denounce such calls to action as brutish, anti-democratic and anti-American.

We the undersigned call upon the Republican National Committee to publicly denounce the recent comments made by Rush Limbaugh that urged his listeners to use violence to disrupt the Democratic National Convention.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh exhorted his listeners to incite riots at the Democratic National Convention, stating that "Riots in Denver . . . would see to it that we don't elect Democrats," and that he is "dreaming of riots in Denver."

Previously, he has called upon his listeners to take part in "Operation Chaos" in order to disrupt the Democrat Party's process. By calling for riots as part of this "Operation Chaos," Mr. Limbaugh has crossed all lines of decency and morality and is blatantly suggesting that using violence and chaos is an acceptable political tool. While such tactics may be acceptable to fascists and tyrannies, urging violence against an opposing political party has no place in America. Mr. Limbaugh's comments should be loathsome to all patriotic Americans, regardless of their party affiliation.

We the undersigned urge you to publicly denounce the brutish and un-American tactics that Mr. Limbaugh is suggesting. Please let Americans of all parties and political affiliations know that the Republican National Party still believes in the democratic process and that Mr. Limbaugh's call for political violence is unacceptable.

Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter.

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