Prosecute Men Who Stripped Malawi Women

In a busy market area in Lilongwe, Malawi, a group of men stripped women and girls naked, claiming that the women were "improperly dressed in trousers."

The Constitution of Malawi guarantees freedom for all citizens, regardless of gender, including freedom to dress however one wishes. 

Sign now to urge the authorities in Lilongwe to investigate these barbaric actions and to prosecute the men involved in violating the women of Malawi. 
We the undersigned urge you to investigate the recent attacks on women in the markets of Lilongwe. A group of men reportedly stripped women and girls naked, claiming the women were "improperly dressed in trousers." The constitution of Malawi guarantees freedom for all citizens, regardless of gender, including freedom to dress however one wishes. We call on you to investigate the violation of these women and to prosecute all those who took part in these barbaric actions.
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