Humanity And Pets Partnered through the Years (HAPPY) Act

                                      (HAPPY) ACT PETITION


Please join me in supporting the Humanity And Pets Partnered through the Years (HAPPY) Act -- House Resolution 3501 -- 2013 which would create an income tax deduction of up to $3,500 per year for qualified pet care expenses.

Please honor the memory of the beloved Puchy by signing this on-line petition, which we will forward to members of Congress.

Read More:

En Espanol:

--Joe Sanchez



Please join me in supporting the Humanity And Pets Partnered through the Years (HAPPY) Act -- House Resolution 3501 -- 2013 which would create an income tax deduction of up to $3,500 per year for qualified pet care expenses.

Please honor the memory of the beloved Puchy by signing this on-line petition, which we will forward to members of Congress.

Read More:

En Espanol:

--Joe Sanchez

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