No Nuclear Power in Pueblo, CO!

Nuclear power plant in Colorado? That's right. If the Pueblo County Commissioners approve a permit application next month, we may see the first nuclear power plant built in decades-- right in our state!

Pueblo County Commissioners are considering a nuclear power plant based on limited and skewed information.

Nuclear power is not a responsible choice for energy needs; it makes no sense as part of Colorado's Clean Energy Future! We can meet our needs through energy efficiency and responsible growth of renewable energy!

There are 5 Main Problems with Nuclear:

  1. Waste -- Nuclear waste remains dangerous to humans for 200,000 years. Waste would be stored on site, however, no permanent storage site is available or planned.
  2. Huge Costs -- Nuclear power is the most expensive way to generate electricity. Nuclear plants cannot be built without massive taxpayer subsidies.
  3. Accidents -- The risks and hazards of nuclear energy are not a thing of the past -- malfunctions, leaks, and severe lapses in basic safety and oversight continue to occur on a regular basis at nuclear power plants across the country.
  4. Pollution -- Mining for toxic uranium, transportation of materials and waste storage all release
    dangerous chemicals and emissions into our air and water. Radioactivity is released into the air and our water during routine operations, and these releases aren't always revealed to the public.
  5. Water -- A typical nuclear reactor can use an enormous amount of water for cooling with radioactive contamination elements that can be discharged into our environment.

Please call or write the Pueblo County Commissioners. Please consider sharing this important message with your friends, family and colleagues. Thank you for your help!

More information:
We the undersigned, do not want a nuclear power plant of any kind in Colorado especially Pueblo. We understand the Pueblo County Commissioners want the best for our community and nuclear power is not clean and not necessary. Please, reach a clean energy future using energy efficiency and responsible renewable energy like wind and solar. Thank you for wanting a bright future!
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