On April 8 - Laporte had his day in court. To find out what happened, please go to http://wiryaxel.blogspot.com/ for a full report. Check back here on May 6 - for an update.
Je vous invite à visionner ce video et à signer notre pétition:
No Dogs for Laporte debuts on YouTube:
Marc-Andre Laporte, 59, was found guilty of two counts of animal cruelty at the St. Jerome courthouse near Montreal, following the seizure of 97 fox terriers in November 2005 from his Blainville puppy mill.
Judge Jean Sirois rejected Laporte's argument that he loved his dogs too much. When police raided the property, they found dogs matted in feces feeding on dogs' carcasses and stronger dogs preying on weaker ones.
Click here to see more photos:
http://www.spcamontreal.com/english/pages/whats_new/news.html (Eng)
http://www.spcamontreal.com/francais/pages/whats_new/news.html (Fr)
Regardez les images de la chenil de horreur Blainville:
Almost 40 animals had to be euthanized. Laporte's home was later condemned and demolished in March 2006.
Laporte is only facing six months of jail time and up to $4,000 in fines.
On Feb. 22, 2008 he will be sentenced. At the same hearing, the judge is to decide if Laporte is to get any of his fox terriers back!
Rencontrer Honeybee et Bingo, deux petits survivant de l%u2019enfer a Blainville
Un message de Bingo, survivant de l%u2019enfer Laporte
We, people who own and love fox terriers and other dogs, are outraged that a man found guilty of such horrendous cruelty and negect to dogs should be allowed to ever own a dog again! The surviving mill fox terriers took months to recover physically, medically and emotionally from their ordeal and have been living in caring foster families for over 2 years.
Send a message to the court that Laporte never be allowed to own a dog again and that the surviving fox terriers be left to continue their lives safely in the care of their foster families!
We hope to present this petition to Judge Sirois who is hearing the case. We are also collecting letters for the same purpose. Please mail your letters of protest to:
Judge Sirois
Marc-Andre Laporte, 59, of two counts of animal cruelty following the seizure of 97 fox terriers in November 2005 from his Blainville puppy mill, is contemplating the return of some of the surviving dogs to him.
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